Category: How to

Shimon Keinan At The "Kol Shofar" Factory
How to

What makes a Shofar kosher

מהו שופר כשר? ומהם סימני הכשרות בשופר. איך אדע אם השופר שלי כשר?  אחת הבעיות העיקריות בכשרות של שופרות נובעת מביצוע סתימה והדבקת חורים וסדקים

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How to blow the Shofar
How to

How to blow the Shofar?

Does blowing the Shofar require great physical strength and strong lungs? A little hint: not at all. Come and learn the secret to correct and powerful blowing

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Different Types Of Shofars
How to

Types of Shofars

Types of Kosher Shofars Different Types Of Shofars How To Make A Shofar? Where do the horns come from? How many types are there? And

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Shofar production process How to make a shofar in a shofar factory
How to

How to Make Shofar

The Production Process So How to Make Shofar Each horn has to go through 14 different stages of production to become a kosher and quality

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תעודת כשרות קול שופר
Kosher Certificate Kol Shofar

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